Steve "Nemi" Nemsick is a multi award winning documentary filmmaker who has filmed an extremely wide array of people, including but not limited to - refugees, bikers, skaters, bands, felons, heroes, drinkers, survivors, leaders, healers and the down trodden. With extensive travels in the US and abroad, Nemi is capable of gaining the trust and comfort of most anyone. One of the added touches that comes with Nemi, is a story that is told in a way that is indicative of the subject/topic itself. If the subject is a train wreck, their story will be told in that vein and if the story is about healing, then that emotional will resonate in the piece.
“I seek challenges.”
Ugo An Artist At War - trailer
This feature length film debuts in 2025. It’s about a family down the street from me. I wasn’t looking for a film but their story struck a nerve in me and I immediately embarked on a four year project about Ugo and Maxine Giannini.
On D-Day Ugo got stuck between the German and American forces, jumped into a crater and waited. When nobody caught up with him, Ugo sketched the only drawings from Omaha Beach that brutal morning of the assault. This film uncovers that journey and many other things that were kept from Ugo’s wife Maxine until after he died. It’s only then that she learns about another side of the man she loved for 39 years.
Ugo was a WW2 hero who later became a reclusive family man and teacher and quietly became a master painter. Many themes are presented here including PTSD, the Depression, WW2, survivors guilt, mid century painters like Fernand Léger, healing, love, romance and intrigue.
Pray For Me The Jason Jessee Film
“You will NEVER see a movie quite like this in your life. So if you love motorcycles, skateboarding, guns, chickens, art, aliens, conspiracy theories, insanity, and odd combinations of headgear…then GO SEE THIS MOVIE!” Iron Horse Magazine
“…and editor Steve Nemsick does an incredible job of revealing all sides of Jason, from Mormon to gun nut to the punk rock chicken farmer who just happens to be one of the greatest skaters of all time…” - Gearhead Magazine
This award winning film was made out of pocket.
Pray For Me garnered great reviews, won awards and had millions of illegal downloads.
Pray For Me - Trailer
Pray For Me - Film
Much Ado In Mostar
Another award winning feature made out of pocket and completed by Nemsick soup to nuts.
After receiving a call out of the blue from a New York producer, Nemi was in Bosnia two weeks later filming a theatre production consisting of 50 people for 6 weeks in the Balkans, primarily in Mostar, Bosnia-Herzegovina. The challenges included figuring out what was each persons religion/background, what was their childhood war experience, what character were they in the play, who of these many people would be the lead characters in the film, translating Shakespeare from Serbo-Croatian, as well as learning about the history of the region, the Bosnian war and the current social / religious / geo / political divides and wounds that persist.
Of course none of that happens without quickly earning their trust.
With that trust came friendship.
Much Ado In Mostar is what few films about Bosnia are, hopeful.
Much Ado in Mostar - Trailer
Road Cult - A sizzle from a pilot I created about fringe culture
NYC Vignette: Luigi - A short film about a random NYer - made in a week
Newman Balance - Web ad (starring role as well as director/editor)
Much Ado in Mostar
NYC Vignette: Syed - A short film about a random NYer - made in a week.
Straight Up - A sizzle for a new series
Newman Balance “Hoop Daydreams” - Follow up ad
No Future Crew - A short about Tokyo bikers / NYC / Remote / Avid / Premiere / Adobe Suite / Fios